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Expand Your Niche - Corporate Video E-Book Guide

Expand Your Niche - The Corporate Video / Email Cold Call Pitch E-Book Guide


Chances are, you know me for my music videos or fitness videos. Well, what if I told you that those two niches only took up 20% of my day to day schedule?


To be 100% transparent, the real money for freelance videographers is in the field of corporate video. Hence why I wanted to create a new e-book that scratches the surface of corporate videos and help to broaden your horizon as a freelance videographer.


This package includes:


Expand Your Niche E-Book Guide (29 Page E-Book)

- 3 problems you may currently face as a videographer who films corporate videos (beginner, intermediate, ready-to-go pro)

- Building a portfolio, how to do it, why it's important

- Cold call email process

- Who to shoot corporate videos for (10+ different industries)

- Beginner Interview filming tips for corporate videos

- Filming corporate b-roll only videos

- Pre-planning corporate video shoots

- Beginner corporate video recommendations

- Does equipment matter?

- Intermediate corproate video equipment recommendations

- 2 light interview setup 

- What to consider charging for when sending an estimate to a corporate client 

- Example of a $20,000+ corporate video invoice proposal 

- BONUS: Creating a cold call client shortlist and how to keep this organized 


Expand Your Niche Email Pitch Deck - Pre-made Email Templates To Pitch Companies on PAID Work:

- Email Pptching a client who lives outside of your area

- Email pitching a local privately owned gym 

- Email pitching a local franchised gym

- Email pitch to Independant real estate agent

- Email pitch to real estate branch

- Pitching a locally owned/franchised restaurant

- Pitching a music artist (music video client)

- Pitching ANY corporate talking head video / 3-6 minute brand awareness video / 'About us' website video 

- Pitching a property developer / construction company


You can make your money back, plus more!

You heard that right.. think of it this way. If you purchase this Expand Your Niche Guide for $30.00 and it helps you land just ONE video client that you charge $200 for a video. You make your $30.00 back and profit $170.00. The more you shoot and the more clients you land, that $200.00 can turn into THOUSANDS relatively quickly if you are dedicated and persistant. This is literally the EXACT method I've used since going back to freelance and from my corporate video work alone, I am making around $10,000 per month.


*no refunds available

*If you have any questions, please email me at